Cappuccino: History and Recipes

Cappuccino is one of the most popular coffee drinks, known for its soft texture and harmonious flavor. Millions of people enjoy it everyday, but many don’t know its history.

There are several theories about the invention of cappuccino, and its modern look is the result of long years of evolution. Now, in this article, we will explore the origin and ingredients of cappuccino, and also how to properly prepare and drink this beverage.

The History of Cappuccino

The history of cappuccino begins in Europe in the 17th century. One theory links its origin with Capuchin monastic order in Italy, whose brown dresses resembled the color of the drink. According to legend, cappuccino appeared after the Battle of Vienna in 1683, when Europeans began softening their strong coffees with milk and honey.

Another version suggests that cappuccino started spreading in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to espresso machines. We got the modern form of cappuccino due to this innovation, and since then it has spread worldwide, becoming a popular beverage both in Italy and out of it.

What are the components of a cappuccino?

A classic cappuccino consists of three main ingredients: espresso, milk, and milk foam. The drink starts with a shot of strong espresso, which is then combined with heated milk. The final component is the airy milk foam that creates a light texture and serves as the “cap” of the drink. This combination gives cappuccino its smoothness, balancing the boldness of the coffee with the creaminess of the milk foam.

How to drink cappuccino correctly?

In Italy, cappuccino is usually drunk in the morning, often for breakfast. It is accompanied by light snacks like croissants. While people in other countries drink cappuccino at any time of day, it is recommended to enjoy it right after it’s made to appreciate all the flavor nuances. It’s better for the layers not to mix, each sip should reveal all the components of the drink.


How to Make Cappuccino: Recipe

Making cappuccino at home has become much easier owing to the modern coffee machines. In order to achieve the perfect drink not only the right proportions, but also the correct preparation technique plays an important role. Here are step-by-step instructions for making a classic cappuccino.

  1. Prepare the espresso: First, you need to brew a shot of strong espresso. For this, you can use a coffee machine with an espresso function, also opt for freshly ground coffee beans for a richer flavor. The optimal amount of espresso for a cappuccino is about 30 ml.
  2. Heat the milk: Next, you need to heat the milk and make sure that it doesn’t boil. The ideal temperature for foaming is 60-65 degrees Celsius. If you don’t have a built-in thermometer, you can heat the milk on the stove or in the microwave, and just be careful not to overheat it. You will need about 100 ml of milk for one serving of cappuccino.
  3. Stir the milk: An important step in preparation is creating milk foam. You can use the steam nozzle of your coffee machine or a handheld milk frother. Then angle the container while you direct the steam into the milk. This will help you achieve a thick, uniform texture. The foam should be light and airy, without large bubbles.
  4. Mix the ingredients: Once your espresso and milk are ready, it’s time to assemble the cappuccino. Pour the espresso into a cup, after carefully adding the heated milk. Make sure that the foam remains on top, forming a “cap” about 1-2 cm high.
  5. Design (optional): You can decorate your cappuccino to your taste. You can add a sprinkle of cinnamon, cocoa powder, or grated chocolate on the foam’s surface. These additions provide an extra aromatic note and make the drink more appetizing.

This step-by-step approach will help you create a delicious and aromatic cappuccino without stepping outside of your house, and enjoy it as in your favorite cafe.