Installation, design, and manufacture of coffee machines to your order
We use high-quality raw materials for making coffee, so you can enjoy a variety of delicious options like Cappuccino, Latte, and Espresso in just a few touches – all within 1 square meter. You can also add an ice generator to enjoy your coffee cold.
Quick preparation: ready in
1 minute
Affordable price:
400-600 drams or according to your preference
Great taste and quality:
just like the one made by the barista
3 types of syrup
and an ice generator
Can be placed anywhere for guests, customers, and employees.
Care and charging do not require special knowledge.
Variety of drinks, wide selection
Fresh milk models are available, including a compact milk cooler.
Offer to offices
We provide free high-quality automatic coffee machines from Nivona, Delonghi, and Jetinno brands with a minimum order of 5 kg of coffee per month. Nivona and Jetinno models can also come with a compact milk refrigerator, placed next to the coffee maker for constant access to fresh milk.